Essential Questions for the AP Government Exam

  • Unit 1 Foundations of Democracy
  • How did the founders of the Constitution attempt to protect individual liberty, while also promoting public order and safety?
  • How have theory, debate, and compromise influenced the U.S. Constitutional system?
  • How does the development and interpretation of the Constitution influence policies that impact citizens and residents of the U.S.?
  • Unit 2 Interactions Among Branches of Government
  • How do the branches of the national government compete and cooperate in order to govern?
  • To what extent have changes in the powers of each branch affected how responsive and accountable the national government is in the 21st century?
  • Unit 3 Civil Liberties and Civil Rights
  • To what extent do the U.S. Constitution and its Amendments protect against undue government infringement on essential liberties and from discrimination?
  • How have U.S. Supreme Court rulings defined civil liberties and civil rights?
  • Unit 4 American Political Ideologies and Beliefs
  • How are American political beliefs formed and how do they evolve over time?
  • How do political ideology and core values influence government policy making?
  • Unit 5 Political Participation
  • How have changes in technology influenced political communication and behavior?
  • Why do levels of participation and influence in politics vary?
  • How effective are the various methods of politicalparticipation in shaping public policies?